Technical three

What was the problem?

I could not figure out why my getAverage function wasn’t giving me the correct answer in the Built-in Methods kata.

What problem solving techniques did you use?

I asked some else to have a look over my code and used console.logs to figure out where the problem was.

How did you feel throughout the process?

I knew I had missed something simple so It felt good to have someone else point me in the right direction of my obvious error.

What did you learn?

I learnt I need to constantly double check how I spell variable names when using them in multiple functions.

Reflect on how confident you feel using the problem solving techniques and process:

  • Pseudocode
  • Trying something
  • Rubber ducky method
  • Reading error messages
  • Console.logging
  • Googling
  • Asking your peers for help
  • Asking your couches for help
  • Improving your process with reflection

I feel confident using all these techniques and processes to problem solve. I find using console log very helpful in finding out what parts of my code are actually outputting what I want. I feel that my search skills with google are strong and pseudocode is helpful to break down a problem a before attempting to solve it.